Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Advanced IT Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Advanced IT - Research Paper Example In addition, biometric enrolment in most cases is carried out in-person under environments that are controlled making the process reliable in case of any succeeding application. The system however faces a number of challenges mostly non-trivial when it comes to security cases following its inherent biometric data features. Such features make biometric matching probabilistic thus samples from a given individual can never be exactly the same. This is a violation of security measures as two encrypted samples have to undergo decryption before any matching takes place. Biometric systems are unable to rely on one-ways systems performing user input harsh functions. The management is also challenged to ensure that there exists decryption and vulnerability representation in biometric processes (Abhilasha, 2007). Biometrics are almost impossible to change or revoke in cases where data has been compromised. This is because its template is in a digital data form and is mostly kept in a token or a database. Such templates come in specific vendors thus their interoperable use in a system that is disturbed becomes difficult. Biometric authentication systems represent a location that is unsupervised presenting the high risks of attacks from sensor spoofing. This makes the output credibility of the process of biometric matching to depend completely on the integrity of the given sample and whether the sample provided is a true one from the biometric characteristic owner. Security problems also come up during the execution of biometric templates either at the client or at the server. Other privacy and security risks are witnessed in the process of keeping biometric information together with identifiable information that are personal (Abhilasha, 2007). Biometric authentication systems play a crucial role in the identification process. It is more preferable compared to other non-biometric methods. Despite this age over the other methods, biometric systems face a number of

Monday, October 28, 2019

Utopian Socialists Essay Example for Free

Utopian Socialists Essay Robert Owen was one of the founders of socialism ad cooperative movement, which in later years, Karl Marx had named as Utopian Socialist. Utopian ideals were derived from the three pillars his thought: (1) â€Å"no one was responsible for his will and his actions because his whole character is formed independently of himself†; this idea however, has earned him as a pioneer in the promotion of human capital; (2) he believed that â€Å"all religions were based on the same absurd imagination†; and though he did embrace spiritualism at the end of his life, still he was one amongst those who opposed religion; and (3) he supported the cottage system, and disliked the factory system. His first of his pillars of thought, the notion of environmentalism wherein he believed that all humans are product of the environment and that our human nature could not be changed, has become a cornerstone of all socialist theories. On his second idea, he rejected Christianity and its customs, and instead he relied on the guidance of Reason and Nature. And the third of his pillars, Owen revolutionized the factory system. As such he believed that factory system encouraged social responsibility, heartless individualism and destructive competition. Contrastingly, he recommended that a plain and simple plan will contain less danger to the society and individuals which will encourage the poor to become independent and self-supporting. Further, he instituted the establishment of villages and communities as a possible way of alleviating poverty. He also adopted the idea of private ownership and profit motivation despite of other humanistic measures that he had. And until his dying days, he proceeded on organizing the working classes in England (The History Guide). Saint-Simon Saint Simon was the founder of the French Socialism. His thoughts have greatly influenced the theories of industrialization and the realities of industrialism. In contrast to other socialist theorists, Saint Simon welcomed industrialization and capitalist growth. Further he found expertise and enterprise on the grounds of industrialism. One of his ideas â€Å"the Hand of Greed† described the basic avarice of the human beings. He believed that in the simplest form of society, man will always find a way to survive. Thus, he believes that all men strive to attain a higher place in the society’s innate hierarchy. Thus, his idea in achieving his utopian socialism, is for the society to eliminate this greed and way of thinking of human beings. The French Revolution became a starting point of his thoughts, when the opposition against destructive liberalism was strong, he advocated for a fresh social revolt and made appeals to the king to bring a new social order. Moreover, he found the dangers of uncontrolled individualism, thus he propagated the ideas towards an increase in productivity, organization, innovation, efficiency and technological discovery. Though, still he was not complacent enough to think that these ideas are to be achieved in a free market economy. Further, he was an elitist in nature. While he condemned kings, nobles and clergies as useless and parasitical, he placed the highest of glory, prestige and authority towards the technocrats. He believed that kings and nobles only should serve at a necessary and limited role, he distinguished technocrats with the role to lead and direct the development of the society (The History Guide). Charles Fourier was regarded as the â€Å"most utopian† amongst all the Utopian Socialists. He was aware of all that was happening in England after the Industrial Revolution. Further, he rejected the ideas of industrialization, laissez faire, and the factory system, due to what these can cause to the human society. And although he rejected the ideals behind industrialism, he made no actions to rectify the dangers incorporated in industrialism, his only action against it was to ignore it. But nonetheless, he had his own share of his philosophical writings. His ideas had told tremendous ideas for the future. His parable of the Four Apples, reflected a certain type of Enlightenment theme, wherein he used reason and nature as the main tenets of his writings. He also criticized bourgeoisie society for creating an â€Å"unnatural civilization†, and consequently added his paradigm for a â€Å"non-repressive society† wherein it shall provide an avenue for the expression and cultivation of human growth. For he believed, human nature was God-created, and that it must follow that the society should respect all avenues for human development rather than fighting it. Moreover, his idea of social success is attainable through concern and cooperation amongst humans – this also prompted him to organize â€Å"phalanxes† which he believed shall nurture cooperation among human. He also blamed poverty and inequality as the principal culprit for disorder in the society, thus bringing into the light the proposal to raise wages into sufficient level in order to eradicate poverty. His main concern was to liberate all individuals through education and the liberation of human passion (The History Guide). John Stuart Mill’s works were often perceived as works in contradiction. He was a proponent of classic liberalism, utilitarianism and held a utopian socialist aspect. He wrote â€Å"utility† as the greatest happiness principle, at which he regarded that actions are proportionately translated into happiness or its reverse accordingly. He also proposed for the hedonistic concept of happiness, as he equated it with the absence of pain. In his discourse of society growth, he consequentially failed to incorporate the process of human development, but rather extensively focused on his pleasure principle. Although he considered individual liberty as only secondary values, he admittedly related the problematic concepts of individual liberty in the course of economic entities. He regarded restrictions on trade and production as â€Å"evil† restraints, and consequently, he regarded the works of free trade as â€Å"one sided freedom†. He also believes that at any point in time wherein individual liberty clashes with liberty of economic entity, economics shall always prevail because it shall always provide for the greatest amount of happiness. And though he believes that given the chance, the best of human nature shall prevail, still he felt that individual liberty was only a secondary option and their needs are only second to be fulfilled. Further, he also developed an elitist mentality and formed his utopian concept rooted from his utilitarianism. He explicitly expressed contempt against the masses and expressed his doubt in the principles of democracy and instead suggested the rule of intellectual aristocrats (Galloway, 1996)

Saturday, October 26, 2019

To Tell Or To Lie :: essays research papers

To Tell or to Lie Maral Frendjian For modern students, a training in rhetoric such as that offered by Gorgias is more preferable, rather than learning how to distinguish truth from falsehood. It is the art of forceful language, emphasizing figures of speech and focusing on devices for swaying and persuading an audience, that would be most beneficial for students lives today. Despite the fact that it is simply ornamented language to make a good facade, the rhetoric by Gorgias is necessary for the success of students, especially those who would like to "sell" their ideas, products or beliefs to the people (the larger population). In the world we live in, there are many ways of getting the things that we want. The way most people would like to believe that their accomplishments were achieved is through hard work and sweat. However, that is not how it works, because most people around the world lie to get things to go their way. A perfect example of a group of people that use the rhetoric are politicians. Politicians will say and do anything to convince the citizens that they are right, and that they will do all they promise to do, if you vote for him or her. They try to convince us all the time, and often succeed, that they will make changes. Just think about the many times we've heard, "If you vote for me, I will lower the taxes." Gorgias makes a very clear point regarding the power of the rhetoric. The following quote from Gorgias expresses the impact that rhetoric can have on those listening. I mean the ability to convince by means of speech a jury in a court of justice, members of the Council in their Chamber, voters at a meeting of the Assembly, and any other gathering of citizens whatever it may be. By the exercise of this ability you will have the doctor and the trainer as your slaves, and your man of business will turn out to be making money not for himself but for another; for you, in fact, who have the ability to speak and to convince the masses. (Gorgias, p.28 sec. 453) What Gorgias is saying in the preceding quote is about the amazing power of persuasion. He is saying that if you have the ability to convince, you have the power to sway anyone listening by your ideas. He demonstrates the diverse situations in which the "ability to convince" can help the persuader, by giving him the power so that the control will be in his or her hands. Convincing is not only a form of speech, it is a form of twisting the truth,

Thursday, October 24, 2019

George Polya :: essays research papers

George Polya (1887-1985) -Chronological order: Fibonacci, Simon Stevin, Leonhard Euler, Carl Gauss, Augustus DeMorgan, J.J. Sylvester, Charles Dodgson, John Venn, and George Polya   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  George Polya was born and educated in Budapest Hungry. He enrolled at the University of Budapest to study law but found it to be boring. He then switched his studies to languages and literature, which he found to be more interesting. And in an attempt to better understand philosophy he studied mathematics. He later obtained his Ph.D. in mathematics from Budapest in 1912. He later went on to teach in Switzerland and Brown, Smith, and Stanford Universities in the United States.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Solving problems is a particular art, like swimming, or skiing, or playing the piano: you can learn it only by imitation and practice†¦if you wish to learn swimming you have to go in the water, and if you wish to become a problem solver you have to solve problems. -Mathematical Discovery   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In 1914 while in Zurich Polya had a wide variety of mathematical output. By 1918 Polya published a selection of papers. These papers consisted of such subjects as number theory, combinatorics, and voting systems. While doing so he studied intently in the following years on integral functions. As time went by he was noted for many of his quotes such as the following. -In order to solve this differential equation you look at it till a solution occurs to you. -This principle is so perfectly general that no particular application of it is possible. -Geometry is the science of correct reasoning on incorrect figures. -My method to overcome a difficulty is to go round it. -What is the difference between method and device? A method is a device which you use twice.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   (   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One of Polya’s most noted problem solving techniques can be found in â€Å"How to Solve it†, 2nd ed., Princeton University Press, 1957. 1. Understanding the problem 2. Devising a plan 3. Carrying out the plan 4. Looking back   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This can be described as See, Plan, Do, Check.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Polya continued to write many more books throughout the years and has been distinguished as one of the most dedicated mathematicians. George Polya :: essays research papers George Polya (1887-1985) -Chronological order: Fibonacci, Simon Stevin, Leonhard Euler, Carl Gauss, Augustus DeMorgan, J.J. Sylvester, Charles Dodgson, John Venn, and George Polya   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  George Polya was born and educated in Budapest Hungry. He enrolled at the University of Budapest to study law but found it to be boring. He then switched his studies to languages and literature, which he found to be more interesting. And in an attempt to better understand philosophy he studied mathematics. He later obtained his Ph.D. in mathematics from Budapest in 1912. He later went on to teach in Switzerland and Brown, Smith, and Stanford Universities in the United States.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Solving problems is a particular art, like swimming, or skiing, or playing the piano: you can learn it only by imitation and practice†¦if you wish to learn swimming you have to go in the water, and if you wish to become a problem solver you have to solve problems. -Mathematical Discovery   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In 1914 while in Zurich Polya had a wide variety of mathematical output. By 1918 Polya published a selection of papers. These papers consisted of such subjects as number theory, combinatorics, and voting systems. While doing so he studied intently in the following years on integral functions. As time went by he was noted for many of his quotes such as the following. -In order to solve this differential equation you look at it till a solution occurs to you. -This principle is so perfectly general that no particular application of it is possible. -Geometry is the science of correct reasoning on incorrect figures. -My method to overcome a difficulty is to go round it. -What is the difference between method and device? A method is a device which you use twice.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   (   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One of Polya’s most noted problem solving techniques can be found in â€Å"How to Solve it†, 2nd ed., Princeton University Press, 1957. 1. Understanding the problem 2. Devising a plan 3. Carrying out the plan 4. Looking back   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This can be described as See, Plan, Do, Check.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Polya continued to write many more books throughout the years and has been distinguished as one of the most dedicated mathematicians.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Past and Future

The article â€Å"Missing the past, embracing the future† by Gayatree Siddhanta Sarma is about a women who has a long-last childhood. However, her beautiful memories were brought back through the vacation with her daughter at the county fair. In addition, reading this article reminds us how important our childhood is that can directly influences our thoughts and behaviors. Therefore, our childhood memories play an importatn role in our adult lives. Even though few of us have the same childhood as the author’s, we have our own one which is either idyllic or complicated. According to the article, the author had a very idyllic and precious childhood which was full of happy memories with her dad. They planted trees, took care of their garden such as growing flawless cauliflower, 12-inch dahlias and organic food. Moreover, she also had her own corner plot to grow kohlrabi and sweet peas with a passion like her father. Besides, the spring came turning the garden into a fragant bouquet of flowers. All of the details in the article give us an idea that the author’s childhood was full of fresh and fragant air. Likewise, my childhood was lots of fun. In Vietnam, our neighborhood is close and friendly. In addition, our houses were nearby, so I could come to visit theirs even everyday. When I was young, my neighbors and I usually went around the area playing traditional games such as jumping-rope, hide and seek, and chopstick-ball which you have to catch the chopstick while the ball is in the air. Furthermore, I missed our New Year which is in mid-Febrary. We always gathered in my grandparent’s house to celebrate, get lucky money from our aunts and uncles, and play cards. Overall, those sweet memories affected our way of living now. While the author grows flowers with her daughter to recall her childhood, I teach my nices to play those games. One way or the other, we all remember our childhood memories by showing them to others in different methods. Other than that, I do believe our behaviors are affected by the way we were treated, and educated. As an English literature professor, the author’s father not only had passion for teaching but also for growing trees and flowers. Gently, he showed her how to grow a garden with full of beautiful flowers. In other words, one can not do that without patient, so her behaviors were built up since she was young. As a result, the author now know how to build her family traditionally although it is in a diffrent country. Similarly, I was grow up in a poor country, so all the games we played were communion. We did not have our own toys, but rope, balls, and chopticks which was from each of us. We shared and played together. Therefore, I leanred not to be selfish and jealous, but love others. In addition, I had many activities in church to help the elders, the orphange and the poor. All of that, I were leanred from my childhood memories. Our childhood memories totally influenced our lives today. It was a base for us to build a new future. Overall, it inspired us to create a beautiful childhood not only for our beloved ones but also for other kids.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Different Perspectives on the Nature of the Inconsolable Grief Essay Example

Different Perspectives on the Nature of the Inconsolable Grief Essay Example Different Perspectives on the Nature of the Inconsolable Grief Paper Different Perspectives on the Nature of the Inconsolable Grief Paper Grief is such a dark concept. It has the ability to envelope a person with darkness and burden which may push down his or her soul into a state of inconsolable anguish. Many real life experiences of having to deal with death have taught the world that there are things which are hard to cope with. Grief, no matter what its causes, has been a dreaded experience due to the profound and dreary sentiment associated with it. Grief may also cause fear and distress to its victims, rendering them incapable of appreciating the light and the pleasant bounties of life since their eyes are blinded by the sorrow they are feeling. Indeed, grief is always a painful process to go through. This process of grieving was explored and expounded by Elisabeth Kà ¼bler-Ross (1973). Her explanation deals with the grief experienced by people during a death of a loved one. She looked at grief as a process wherein people experience difficulty in different intensity and levels. In her book On Death and Dying, Kà ¼bler-Ross (1973) enumerated five stages of grief. The Denial stage, which is the first of the five stages, is the event when the grieving person rejects the fact of the cause of grief. This is often manifested when an individual grieves at the loss of a loved one. The death is usually denied, for the grieving person often finds it hard to accept the painful truth of loss in the beginning (Kà ¼bler-Ross, 1973). The second stage is Anger. In this stage, the grieving person will usually question fate or even God for subjecting him or her to a harsh experience. Once a person deals with grief, he or she usually tries to think whether the experience is a punishment for any misdeed in the past or a mere injustice of fate (Kà ¼bler-Ross, 1973). After anger, Bargaining happens. People who are already in this stage of grief will try to compromise or exchange something valuable for the chance of getting over grief immediately. Grief can come to a point when desperation of moving on will occupy an individual and cause him or her to do anything just to overcome the experience. The fourth stage, according to Kà ¼bler-Ross (1973), is Depression, the stage when the grieving person will feel like he or she does not want to care anymore because of numbness and exasperation. Finally, Acceptance eventually comes. This is the point when the person starts to prepare for the things that may come (Kà ¼bler-Ross, 1973). In several ways, John Bowlby, who has also been prominent in discussion about grief, supported Kà ¼bler-Ross’ perspectives. Just like Kà ¼bler-Ross, he sees the grief process as aiming to get to a resolution point where everything will just end (Christianson Johnson, 2001). Moreover, together with C. Murray Parkes, Bowlby (n.d.) presented an outline of the grief process similar to Kà ¼bler-Ross’ stages of grief (cited in Christianson Johnson, 2001). This outline contains the following: â€Å"1) shock and numbness; 2) yearning and searching; 3) disorientation and disorganization; and 4) resolution and reorganization† (cited in Christianson Johnson, 2001, n.p.). Considering the stages of the theories of Kà ¼bler-Ross and Bowlby, it could be assumed that, although people experience the levels of grief at varying intensity and duration, their grief will only come to pass with acceptance and resolve to overcome the grieving process. This process of grief, especially the stage of anger, was clearly depicted in C.S. Lewis’ A Grief Observed. Using his personal experience when he lost his wife, he described grief as a state wherein difficult questions may seem to surface in the grieving person’s mind, and that he or she tends to direct these questions towards God, the One who seems to make everything happen. Lewis’ experiences reflect the reality that people tend to question God whenever they lose a loved one since they would think He is the only one who has the ability to make such painful things happen. His story presents the idea that people oftentimes find God unwelcoming compared to times when people seek him for praise and thanksgiving. â€Å"When you are happy, so happy that you have no sense of needing Him [†¦] if you remember yourself and turn to Him with gratitude and praise, you will be - or so it feels - welcomed with open arms. But go to Him when your need is desperate, when all other help is vain, and what do you find? A door slammed in your face.† (Lewis, 1963, p. 5) Considering the aforementioned thoughts and perspectives about grief, it can be inferred that grief is a natural yet very difficult process every person may go through anytime. More than the chance to recover immediately, it appears that people experiencing grief also need enlightenment and guidance since the grief tends to cloud up their minds by questions and thoughts of injustice which can sometimes be very deceiving. Perhaps, grief must be faced, and a person must indeed face it with utmost strength and belief in him- or herself that he or she will be able to go through it. While it leaves painful memories, grief must also be seen as a learning experience that teaches people to give importance to everything and everyone that they have while they still exist. This is because only when something or someone is lost that its or his/her value will be realized, and this is the moment when grief will be most painful. References Christianson, C. Johnson, V. (2001). The Grief Process. Birth Defects Genetics Center. Retrieved February 12, 2009 from Kastenbaum, R. Acute Grief. Death Reference. Retrieved February 12, 2009 from Kà ¼bler-Ross, E. (1973). On Death and Dying. Great Britain: Tavistock Publication Limited. Lewis, C. S. (1963). A Grief Observed. New York: Seabury Press.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Code of Hammurabi essays

Code of Hammurabi essays During history, major civilizations have endured through a system of social, political, religious, and economic laws and traditions. Most of these laws and traditions were set up as guidelines for moral behavior, family life, education, government, and business. These basic principles were set forth by an early civilization known as the Babylonians. There are many aspects of modern day society which have their basis in the laws and teachings of Hammurabi. Hammurabi ruled Babylon from approximately 1792 to 1750 B.C. He published a list of 300 laws, which became known as the "Code" of Hammurabi. Hammurabi's Code described laws and traditions that were established from earlier civilizations. Much of Hammurabi's Code came from Mesopotamian culture which was developed many years earlier. Many of the laws of Moses were based on Hammurabi's Code too, and on civilizations that came after Moses himself. Because little was really known about Hammurabi, his life became a symbol of the tradition s and values of its civilizations. The most famous aspect of the Code is its dependence on laws of vengeance. Hammurabi's law stated that "If a man has put out the eye of a free man, they shall put out his eye (eye for an eye). Similarly, the Hebrew laws summarize Hammurabi when they stated that if someone harms another, "then you shall give life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, burn for burn, wound for wound, and strike for strike." Other things include punishments for lying, forcing people to become slaves as payment for debts, and laws regarding marriage. Marital laws were important because they ensured the production of children and how property would be divided in case of divorce or death. The society also had a strong penalty for adultery. The Babylonian people had a complex system of irrigation canals that went from one land to another. If a man allowed the canal on his land to break, the water wo ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Relation between SAT Scores and Academic Achievement

The Relation between SAT Scores and Academic Achievement SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips You're a top student in your class does that mean you can skip SAT prep because your GPA will carry you? Or you're just average in the class, does that mean you can't do well on the SAT? It turns out, that the college board admits themselvesthat SAT score is not highly related to your high school GPA. In statistical speak, high school GPAs predict less than 30% of the variation on SAT scores. Through my own experience and numerous students I work with, this is actually not surprising at all. Why is this the case? 1. The SAT is standardized. First, the SAT scores are standardized. This means that it doesn't matter if you're from Manhattan, New York, or rural northern Mississippi, the test is the same. If you have the same skill, you'll do equally on the SAT. Not so for your GPA: if you go to a less challenging high school, you'll have a higher GPA, and if you go to a top school like Stuyvesant, you'll get a much lower GPA. In other words, GPA compares you within that school, SAT compares you across the nation. 2. The SAT Doesn't Measure Many Classroom Factors. The SAT can't tell that you're a great team player, follow the teacher's instructions, or that you're a nice kid, all of which do go into your GPA in general. Getting good grades in school is a skill that you've spent years honing and perfecting. Most of these skills don't translate to the SAT. To prepare for the SAT you'll need to, in some ways, start from square one. Preparation is key to getting ahead again. 3. The SAT Strongly Measures Analytic Test Taking Skills. Whereas schools measure your ability to be creative in essays and thoughtful in your work, the SAT measures your abiluty to guess efficient, spent time correctly, and think logically and mechanically. These skills need to be practiced for the test. Long story short, academic achievement doesn't solely determine your SAT score. If you've done well in school, you want to keep up the good work and not tarnish your chances. To do this you'll need to start learning SAT skills soon. If you haven't done well in school, this is your second chance, your shot to show the world that you still have it in you. Because the situation is different, you can have a fresh start in acing the SAT. Found this article useful? Get a lot more helpful with our Free SAT Ebook!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

International Law Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

International Law - Dissertation Example esolution is usually included in bilateral international treaties (BITs) which are intended to bind treaty states to commitments for protecting investors and their investments against hostile host state conduct in transactions under foreign direct investment (FDI).7 The proposed dissertation will analyse arbitral awards and their underlying decisions relative to investor/state arbitration with a view to identifying and analysing contributions to customary international law and the consequences for resolving investor/state disputes. In particular, the proposed dissertation evaluates the extent to which international commercial arbitration and more especially, ISA, has established or can satisfactorily establish the necessary legal protections for encouraging and facilitating FDIs. The proposed dissertation will argue that although there is no multilateral international legal instrument regulating FDIs and investor-state relations, international customary law and the principle of fair and equitable treatment included in BITs and emerging from investor/state arbitration has contributed to a sufficiently coherent body of law so that investors are accorded the protection necessary for investing abroad. It will be argued that although international arbitration in general including ISA is not regulated by a centralized forum by which binding precedents may be created, the cumulative effect of BITs and ISAs applying and interpreting BITs have resulted in a customs, norms and rules that have established a coherent body of law applicable to standards of treatment expected of host states.8 It will also be argued, however, that despite the emerging coherent body of law, there are challenges to overcome. For example, the different language used in BITs has resulted in arbitrators rending inconsistent or unclear decisions in their interpretation of protective clauses in BITs.9 Outline: In order to support the hypothesis that ISA or international commercial arbitration has co ntributed to a coherent body of law for promulgating FDIs, the proposed dissertation will be presented as follows: Part I: Introduction. The introduction establishes that over the last 20 years or so, there have been two interesting developments in international commercial transactions: an increase in BITs10 and a decrease in investor/state arbitration.11 The introduction then makes an undertaking that the dissertation will establish that the link between these developments is ISA in that BITs provide for arbitration of investor/state disputes and interpret and apply the level of protection provided for in BITs. Part II: This part of the dissertation

Friday, October 18, 2019

Answer to a question from previous selected source Research Paper

Answer to a question from previous selected source - Research Paper Example This paper critiques and reviews the approach to research on medication errors conducted so far. However, Ferner (2009, p.616) also further noted that lack of use of certain algorithms by hospitals, such as the Bayes Theorem, hinders the efficiency of medication error recognition and research. He also discussed the use of numerical methods to assess errors, such as the causality assessment, again focusing on systems analysis of research on medication errors. He focused on failures in design and organization, which then lead to error on behalf of researchers. Ferner (2009) focused on the analysis of scientific method design, which leads to errors in medication error research. Ferner (2009, p.615) pointed out implicitly that design is a problem in research by pointing out the comparison between spontaneous reporting and search by an algorithm. The fact that hospitals do not use the Bayes Theorem is beyond the power of a researcher, who is then limited by the organizational structure of a hospital. Instead of analyzing the medication errors committed in hospitals, Ferner (2009) analyzed how errors take place in research on medication errors. His focus was on the organizational and design flaws of the research methods. Besides only focusing on how researchers commit mistakes while counting errors, he also pointed out that sometimes organizational flaws or algorithms can lead to error in research. Thus, though his work resembles expert opinion, Ferner (2009) went beyond only stating his opinion on counting medication errors, or evaluating the obtained data. He provided an analysis of failures, improvements and recommendations for every step in research on medication

Community Policing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Community Policing - Research Paper Example Within the broad field of public administration, there is a need for administrators to understand how to better function in the public sector. Where service-oriented work is the watchword, and no visible product is offered as a measure of successful productivity, it becomes incumbent upon the administrator to make a concerted effort to evaluate service and citizen impact on that service. This seems to be a good fit with the reinventing government concept of the 1990s where there was a greater emphasis on customer service by public administrators to treat the customer right (Bach, 2009). In the field of law enforcement, it is imperative that successful administrators make every effort to foster a cooperative liaison with the (customer) citizenry. Citizen cooperation will nourish the police-community alliance. Needs can be identified, and efforts to meet those needs can be addressed by citizens and police administrators alike. This attitude of cooperative appraisal of needs fits well i nto the model of community policing (Tilley, 2010). Community Policing Police roles that grew out of the reform era (patrol services, rapid response to calls, etc.) may sometimes lead to roadblocks. These more traditional police practices sometimes encounter a public paradox (Radelet & Carter, 1994). The paradox states that crime control functions collide with due process ideals, in that citizens recognize the need for a social contract (a need for police) that occasionally can run counter to the basic freedom that they seek. So, this conflict (or paradox) between the need for police and the desire for the protection of due process can remain between police and the public (Radelet & Carter, 1994). The winds of change are moving through the hallways of many police organizations in America. For some, these winds are like a summer breeze that opens the door to new possibilities. For others, they signal the onset of a cold, uncertain winter. Regardless of how one experiences it, somethi ng is happening, and this "something" is an attempt to rethink and restructure the role of police in society (Rosenbaum in Bordeur, 1998 p.1). Inability of existing police infrastructures to cope with greater than ever complexities of our fast changing society and increasing demands on police by their rapidly growing constituencies forces police organizations to look for new ways to serve their communities (Tilley, 2010). Increased bureaucratization and over- specialization of police forces and separation from the community amplifies the need for implementing a community-driven police force. Police organizations face increased costs and pressure from the community and interest groups to do more with fewer resources. As a consequence, police administrators are forced to cut some services in order to address priority needs (Tilley, 2010). Reduction and elimination of police services due to budget cuts and increasing operational costs creates community discontent. A new cost efficient approach to prevent and deal with crime is needed in order to cover eliminated services. Community Oriented policing is recognized as a viable solution to reducing crime and efficiently solving community problems (Chacko & Nancoo, 1993). Murphy labels proactive policing as the dominant ideology and organization mode of progressive policing (Murphy, in Chacko & Nancoo, 1993, p. 1). Community policing philosophy and research suggests traditional bureaucratic, crime-attack policing has failed. The police have lost their community context and this loss inhibits the police in their order maintenance and crime control functions (Tilley, 2010). Critics of traditional policing argue, police are mystifying their role and manipulating public expectation. Reactive policing "promotes poor policing management, leading to the issuance of more traffic tickets, the growth of an unofficial quota system, and 'fudging' of crime statistics" (Thibault, Lynch, & McBride 1985, p. 50).

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Nursing Gender Stereotype Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Nursing Gender Stereotype - Essay Example Nuns and lay women have been helping to care for the sick even before the time of Florence Nightingale. It is only during her time that the first nursing school was established. Nursing thus became a profession. Coupled with Nightingales belief and fact that society has dictated women to care for the injured soldiers has cemented the nursing profession as a profession for women. This designation of the profession as "only for women" has changed over time. The three pictures of groups of nurses presented, depicts nurses over a vast period of time, will attest to this. The first is a picture of six nurses taken during Florence Nightingales time. The women are dressed all in white long gowns with what appears to be a nursing cap on their heads. The cap is quite larger than the common white nursing caps worn by nursing students of today. They look very neat with their hair fastened away from the face and tucked underneath their caps. Their white gowns cover their bodies and arms provide protection from contamination and also prevent them from coming into skin contact with their patients. Their gowns are all starched up seeing that it does not follow the contour of the body also serves to prevent dirt from sticking to it. They do not wear jewelry as this might only get in the way as they move about their business. Their faces bearing a serious and yet small smile shows that they mean business. They are ready to do their task. Not one wears a big smile probably because during their time women were supposed to be meek and reserved. The head held high a nd eyes looking straight at the camera shows confidence. They epitomize Florence Nightingales' Nurse as clean, neat, formal, confident, and competent. The picture also shows the bond that these women have. The way they are seated, with the women on the floor having their arm and elbow on the lap of the woman seated behind them and with the woman at the back sitting forward and placing her hands at the back of each nurse seated at her front shows the relation of togetherness at work and in service. The picture also shows that age is not an impediment to service. The picture shows women of varying ages. This disparity in ages is further emphasized for the youngest nurse, the one wearing a different headdress was made to sit beside the oldest nurse in the picture (2nd row extreme right of the picture). The second picture are the nurses of the late ninety's. It shows three women nurses and three doctors. The nurses are in scrub suits while two doctors are in doctors gowns and another has a stethoscope hanging around his neck. The ratio of doctors against nurses in the picture can be interpreted to show equal importance. Both are equally important in the field of caring and nursing a sick patient to good health. The nurses in the picture are easily identifiable by the scrub suits they are wearing. They are no longer encumbered with the lengthy, up to the neck and long sleeved gowns. They can move with ease and are more comfortable. Although no longer sporting the traditional white long gowns, they are as clean as ever with the help of

Eastman Kodak Company Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Eastman Kodak Company - Case Study Example It was observed that Kodak aimed to create a monopoly in the market which violated the Sherman Act’s Section 2 guidelines. The company also attempted to impose varied types of exclusive dealing based contracts upon different retailers. The decree includes licensing of processes for photofinishing as well as assistance of technology for anyone eager to start the business of photofinishing. The main objective of the decree was to ensure a healthy competition among the varied business entities in the photofinishing industry (Baye & Scholten, â€Å"Kodak Appeals to Court to Terminate 1921 and 1954 Decrees that Restrict Pricing Policies†). It can be stated that Kodak became the solitary leader in the industry with the development of film based product. The company sold its color film through processing aspects. It is also noted that through bundling the prices of photofinishing as well as processing, Kodak monopolized the market of the photographic industry. This resulted in the emergence of 1954 antitrust decree, which is considered as the second decree affecting the actions of Kodak. The decree was initiated by the court in order to enact restrictions to Kodak against bundling photofinishing process effectively. Hence, it can be stated that both the decrees i.e. 1921 and 1954 had resulted in the creation of enhanced market competition in the global market context for selling the products of photo films as well as processing. The decrees had restricted Kodak’s monopoly business in the global market context (Baye & Scholten, â€Å"Kodak Appeals to Court to Terminate 1921 and 1954 Decrees that Restrict

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Nursing Gender Stereotype Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Nursing Gender Stereotype - Essay Example Nuns and lay women have been helping to care for the sick even before the time of Florence Nightingale. It is only during her time that the first nursing school was established. Nursing thus became a profession. Coupled with Nightingales belief and fact that society has dictated women to care for the injured soldiers has cemented the nursing profession as a profession for women. This designation of the profession as "only for women" has changed over time. The three pictures of groups of nurses presented, depicts nurses over a vast period of time, will attest to this. The first is a picture of six nurses taken during Florence Nightingales time. The women are dressed all in white long gowns with what appears to be a nursing cap on their heads. The cap is quite larger than the common white nursing caps worn by nursing students of today. They look very neat with their hair fastened away from the face and tucked underneath their caps. Their white gowns cover their bodies and arms provide protection from contamination and also prevent them from coming into skin contact with their patients. Their gowns are all starched up seeing that it does not follow the contour of the body also serves to prevent dirt from sticking to it. They do not wear jewelry as this might only get in the way as they move about their business. Their faces bearing a serious and yet small smile shows that they mean business. They are ready to do their task. Not one wears a big smile probably because during their time women were supposed to be meek and reserved. The head held high a nd eyes looking straight at the camera shows confidence. They epitomize Florence Nightingales' Nurse as clean, neat, formal, confident, and competent. The picture also shows the bond that these women have. The way they are seated, with the women on the floor having their arm and elbow on the lap of the woman seated behind them and with the woman at the back sitting forward and placing her hands at the back of each nurse seated at her front shows the relation of togetherness at work and in service. The picture also shows that age is not an impediment to service. The picture shows women of varying ages. This disparity in ages is further emphasized for the youngest nurse, the one wearing a different headdress was made to sit beside the oldest nurse in the picture (2nd row extreme right of the picture). The second picture are the nurses of the late ninety's. It shows three women nurses and three doctors. The nurses are in scrub suits while two doctors are in doctors gowns and another has a stethoscope hanging around his neck. The ratio of doctors against nurses in the picture can be interpreted to show equal importance. Both are equally important in the field of caring and nursing a sick patient to good health. The nurses in the picture are easily identifiable by the scrub suits they are wearing. They are no longer encumbered with the lengthy, up to the neck and long sleeved gowns. They can move with ease and are more comfortable. Although no longer sporting the traditional white long gowns, they are as clean as ever with the help of

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Mergers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Mergers - Essay Example Ravenschaft and Scherer (1987) state that firms will merge because they think that this will result into an increase in efficiency in the new firm formed after merging. Efficiency is expected to rise after the increase in capital, sharing of expertise, elimination of duplicate processes in production and the realization of economies of scale. All these advantages associated with mergers will influence firms to merge, however according to Hughes (1989) mergers may not lead to the realization of efficiency and they may lead to even increased inefficiencies in the firm. Firms will merge in order to gain market power, market power increases where firms that merge are in the same industry and produce the same products in the market and when they merge they form a monopolistic firm which controls the prices and the quantity produced. The firms will also merge as a way to increase their competitive advantages over their rivals and this makes the new firm a market leader, however this may not be the case where government policies may restrict firms to form monopolistic market forms where the firms controls the prices and quantity produced. Firms have different levels of market share in the market, when the firms merge they form one big firm those market share is equal to the sum of both firms market share, as a result the market share increases and this acts as a motivating factor for firms to merge. The reason why a larger market share is preferred is because a firm will realize economies of scale, increase sales volume, increase sales revenue and therefore increase profits earned. Tax advantages: Firms will also merge in order to gain a tax advantage, all firms will pay tax to the government depending on the level of profits they have acquired, and firms will therefore merge with loss making firms as a way of reducing their tax burden. However in most countries this has been discouraged where policies have been put in place to limit the act of profit making firms shopping for loss making firms to gain tax advantages. Diversification: According to Henry (2000) firms will also merge as a way to smooth earnings, smooth earning results into a smooth stock price over time and therefore investors are attracted to invest in the companies stocks. When two firms merge their earnings and stock prices are more stable and this increases investor confidence and therefore realize increased capital base from investors equity. Increasing geographical coverage: Firms will merge as a way of increasing their geographical coverage, example two law firms namely the Battle and Booth company and the Mack and McLean company merged in order to increase their geographical coverage and therefore offer their services to a larger population, this is because when firms merge they form a larger com-any and the large company is able to invest more and diversify than a small company. Sharing of expertise and technological integration: Firms will gain expertise and gain from mergers, managers and other experts share ideas and this helps in improving the efficiency and also the productivity of a firm, this sharing is made possible when firms merge but this would not have been possible when the

Contact Zones in Chicano Culture Essay Example for Free

Contact Zones in Chicano Culture Essay Meeting someone from another culture expands your knowledge of the world. As you receive new information, you are giving some of your own. The experience of two different people meeting is far less than the experience of two different cultures of people meeting. The most common outcome of these meeting is one culture dominates over the other. This domination eventually leads to hatred towards the oppressors, until the dominated are free. Over many years, the dominated population has integrated their culture with the dominant one but there is still conflict. In â€Å"Arts of a Contact Zone† Mary Louise Pratt writes about the effects of a contact zone, when two different cultures meet and interact, and why it is good. Contact zones bring people together to share ideas and cultures but it can also lead to slavery and conquest . We will focus on one effect: literate arts. Some of the literate arts are autoethnography, transculturation, bilingualism, critique, and denunciation. These literate arts are ways people use language to express a clash of two cultures. An â€Å"autoethnographic text†, a text that a writer uses to respond to the way other people sees their ethnic group, uses things familiar with a dominant race to make a point. Pratt gave us an example of â€Å"autoethnographic text† called New Chronicle and Good Government by Guaman Poma. The title New Chronicle comes from the name of the apparatus used by the Spanish to present their American Conquests to themselves. Poma uses this to create a new picture of the world by rewriting the Christian history with the Andeans at the center of the religion. The new â€Å"Christian-Inca† history resembled European manners and custom descriptions but included the meticulous details of information stored in the Inca societies. Poma used this manner to write his letter to make a parody the Europeans could understand. Glorias Anzaldua essays â€Å"Entering into the Serpent† and â€Å"How to Tame a Wild Tongue† are examples of an â€Å"autoethnographic text. † She uses her essays to destroy some of the stereotypes readers have before they read her essays. Some of the stereotypes of Chicano are they are hated by the US and Latinos and have a conflicted identity. The idea that Americans and Latinos hate Chicanos comes from the belief that they cannot identify with Standard English or Standard Spanish cultures. Since the Chicanos are born in the United States but are ethnically Mexican, they do not â€Å"belong† in the United States or Mexico. The hatred of Americans and Latinos caused the unknown identity of Chicanos. Transculturation occurs when two groups of people integrate different aspects of a culture with each other. An example of transculturation is Poma’s illustrations in New Chronicle and Good Government. The pictures had a European genre but they used Andean systems of spatial symbolism to express values and aspirations. In Anzaldua’s essays, we see transculturation in the religion. â€Å"My family, like most Chicanos, did not practice Roman Catholicism but a folk Catholicism with many pagan elements† (Anzaldua 73). The Roman Catholicism that was the religion of the Spaniards intermingled with Anzaldua’s â€Å"snake religion† to form the folk Catholicism version of la Virgen Guadalupe as Coatlalopeuh. Transculturation and autoethnography both manipulate language. Anzaldua wrote the essays in English and Spanish to identify herself with the Chicano and show us her experience with English speaking people. Poma’s wrote his letter in Quechua and Spanish so both cultures could understand the main points of the letter. In childhood we were told that our language is wrong. Repeated attacks at our native tongue diminish our sense of self. The attacks continue throughout our lives. Chicanas feel uncomfortable talking in Spanish to Latinas, afraid of their censure. Their language was not outlawed in their countries. But for a language to remain alive, it must be used. By the end of this century English, and not Spanish, will be the mother tongue of most Chicanos and Latinos (Anzaldua 89) The language of a culture identifies a person. If someone’s language is banned it makes the person feel unwelcome so to fit in they speak the main language but wonder what is wrong with their own language. When Chicanos speak Spanish they â€Å"spoil† the language and when they speak English they are traitors. This idea of having a wrong language causes confusion and shame, which will lead to not a Chicano identity but an American identity. By identifying with her culture, she creates a known identity for her people. Chicano Spanish is unlike English or Spanish but a combination of both, which results in bilingualism. Anzaldua’s first essay shows us what her religion meant to her, and she blames and criticizes the Catholics for taking away her sexual identity. Before the Spaniards conquest, the male dominated Azteca-Mexica culture had replaced all the female deities with male ones. This replacement split the female deities and the female self. If there were no female (spirit) deities then there was no female identity, according to Anzaldua. After the Conquest, Guadalupe became a virgin and all the other female deities (snake goddesses) were whores. The change in identity of these female deities encourages the virgin/whore dichotomy. This separation of mind and body made it hard for her to find her sexual identity. Pratt’s definition of a contact zone makes it a wonderful and horrible place to be but Anzaldua seems to disagree. Anzaldua’s experience with Catholic people seemed to be the worst thing that happened to her. These chapters from her book Borderlands/La frontera only show one type of opinion with no other positive outlooks. Her dislike of the Catholics inspires her to write these chapters to show us how her life was like and to â€Å"blame† everyone who reads her book. She was not able to have a true contact zone through her experience so she is unwilling to understand the Catholic religion. Anzaldua’s essays are another example for Pratt to use in her essay. The concept of literate arts is present throughout. The essays mainly show the bad parts of Anzaldu’s contact zones but that is the main result of contact zones with a dominant culture. Even though Anzaldua may not agree this is a contact zone. Her bias shows the readers the horrors of her cultures past to encourage a response.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Principles Of The Rukun Negara Theology Religion Essay

Principles Of The Rukun Negara Theology Religion Essay The principles of the Rukun Negara formulated by National Consultative Council with together headed by our second prime minister, Tun Abdul Razak at 31 August 1970. The purpose of formation of this national principles are to created unity of various race in Malaysia after the riots of different races at May 13th 1969 in Malaysia. That riots happened had proven the Malaysian racial issues and stability had fragile. The formation of Rukun Negara are one of the method to overcome the racial issues between different races in Malaysia after the May 13th incidents has happened which involved hundreds of people are death in that particular incident. It happened when after election at year 1969 where Parti Tindakan Rakyat (DAP) dan Gerakan get a very good respond from the result of the election. Procession was held by them purpose for incident of one youth Chinese was killed in battle with policemen before the election was held. UMNO was felt be challenged of the result of the election although them still win the majority seats in parliament. Datuk Harun Idris led the riots happened. Purpose of this provocative procession happened was to set fire to the spirit of nationalism of every races in Malaysia. This riots happened until the police force was unable to control the situation. Army force had to be called to help police force to control the situations. This incidents has made all the leaders in Malaysia has realized of importance of unity issues of various races in the country. In the official report, there are totals of 493 people was injured and 196 people are reported death of that incidents. Emergency in the country was declared by our Yang Dipertua Agong, with advices from our first prime minister, Tunku Abdul Rahman based on article 150 in constitution of federal Malaysia. The Rukun Negara can be related with several place that we visit in the trips. The first principle can related with Batu Caves and National Palaces. Batu Caves are rich with Hinduism cultural. The cultural still preserved until today that let us to enable to study and get to know the elements and everything cultural about Hinduism. National Palaces are rich with Islam religions and cultural. Inside the palaces, lot of architectures are follow Islam and mixed with Hinduism elements to build with it. Switch of the light and fans are made of gold plated, which represent the wealthy and higher class people in society. National Museum represent the place to let all the people to access the past cultural and present cultural in Malaysia. In museum, we can access different races occupations, cultural, rituals and behavior being practice in past and until current today in Malaysia. It also show us how the life, ritual and cultural of Orang Asli in Malaysia. Examine carefully the importance of Rukun Negara for our country; how it cultivate social structure and social organization in society. We are admitting that Rukun Negara was important to our country in Malaysia. Rukun Negara was created to meet its purpose of unity of various race in Malaysia, and prevent the riots of races happened again within the country. Analysis of each elements of national principles BELIEF IN GOD Nation and the State was created based on a strong belief in God. It would make the sovereign country or nation thru these religions belief. The Federal Constitution declared that Islam is the official religion of the Federation, but other religion and beliefs can be practiced in freedom and tranquility. Any actions discrimination against any citizen on grounds based on religion are prohibited. Pillars of the drafters of the committee recognize the importance of belief in God and religion in human life. Recognizing the importance of community members holding robustness against their religious teachings, this principle has been selected as the first principle of the Rukun Negara. LOYALTY TO KING AND COUNTRY Malaysia practices a system of constitutional monarchy and parliamentary democracy with His Majesty the King as Head of State. Loyalty to King and country means that every citizen should be devoted faithful, honest and sincere to His Majesty the Yang di-Pertuan Agong. At the state level, the citizens are required to devote loyalty to the king who ruled the land where they reside without reducing allegiance to the Yang di-Pertuan Agong. THE SUPREMACY OF THE CONSTITUTION This principle pressing need for people to accept, obey and defend the Constitution of the country or glory. Constitution is the highest legal source. Its function is to provide protection to every citizen of this country because of their privileges and rights as citizens in this country. The Malaysian citizens are required to respect, appreciate, and understand the meaning and content as well as the historical background of the formation of the National Constitution. Constitution was drafted based on consensus of all parties and races within the country. Thus the social contract that people cannot be questioned about it and threatened by any individual or any party. Constitution of Malaysia made for determine the pattern of socio-economic and political position of the citizens in this country. THE RULE OF LAW Justice based on the rule of law where all citizens equal before the law in the country legally. Fundamental freedoms guaranteed to all citizens of Malaysia. State law based on the Constitution. Thus the need to be accepted and defended its sovereignty. Without the law, social and state life is not peaceful and stable. By the laws of the country are guaranteed by an independent judiciary and competent. Every country needs laws to regulate and create peaceful, prosperity and stability in society. The existence of the law will guarantee a life member of the community can move with freedom and orderly, without any disturbance which not threated the safety of other citizens in the country. The rights of all people can practice freely as long as no violation of the law as well as things as guaranteed by the Constitution. The freedoms right declared in the Constitution does not means citizens have the right to overthrow the current government. COURTESY AND MORALITY These five principles to emphasize the development of ones personality and behavior of the people. The aim is to form citizens courtesy and manners in line with the campaign Courtesy and Noble Values à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹conducted now. Individual nature of courtesy and manners are the most important and meaningful in the elements of relationships with other various races within the country. Attitude of courtesy and manners should be taught and practiced to develop the individual and society as well as high discipline and morality that will help create harmonious in the society. Conduct hate and condemn this behavior or act arrogant or offend any person or class. Polite behavior within the person are contains of high degree of morality in his / her life. Importance of Rukun Negara are create unity among the different races, Chinese, Malay and Indians in Malaysia. In the national principles, it has avoid any racial issues happened between among the three main racial in the country. It was law binding for those go against with it will be arrested. National Principles also create function as a guidance in the formation of one nation in the country regardless of religion and race. It has become important guidelines for government in Malaysia ruled the country. National principles also creates the way of democracy life in the Malaysia nation. In the federal constitution, it was stated practice of democracy must in element for governing in nations of Malaysia. The constitution are almost same like United States. National principles also to serve purpose of create the society, which the wealth of the nation shall be equitably shared among the nation. It also to ensure the liberal approach of diversity and rich of different cultural traditions within Malaysian nations. In first elements of national principles, not one were racial, each citizens of Malaysia was respect each other cultural, traditions and religions been practice by different races. In today, we can see the effects created by the national principle in our country, Malaysia. Every races still manage to get mixed well by each other. Different races mix well together Second element in national principles are made the citizens in Malaysia have love and loyalty to their country and Kings. Not only that, they are expected to be love their leaders as well. In Today, although we can see Sultan are functionless in our country, but Malaysians are not going to oppose the Sultan but to love the Sultan more and respect them as there are one of the leaders in Malaysia. We can saw Malaysia are developing far behind than Singapore. But, we still love our country as we can see the specialty of Malaysia are united three races in one nation one country, which this reasons are attracted the foreign tourists come and visit to Malaysia. Third elements in national principles enable the citizens in Malaysia live in democracy way in their country. There is freedom to practices their own rituals, cultural and also religious for each races. Every citizens have their right and own voice to protest the wrong doing in the society. Very good example are referring to Bersih Campaign. It is one of the democracy way for Malaysian citizens to voice out their dissatisfied with the wrong doing in past elections. Bersih Campaign The Law Binding were cultivate the society become more alert when they commit any illegal activity. One of the example, any drug trafficking was arrested and had been judged by court, it will received penalty as dead sentences in final. The last principle has enabled all the citizens to build up better or superior personality which consist good moral and behavior. The superior of personality are the important elements of the development of the country. It also able to avoid any riots happened within the country among the different race. In opposite, it able to create harmony among the race for helping each other, complement each other which gave a fast lane for a country to become developed country. Crime rate also can be reduce at the same time. Hence, the Ultimate goal of Rukun Negara also can be achieved at the same time. Different races of Bersih Activists help to save out the victim which hit by policemen car in Bersih Campaign. They eventually help policemen get out of the car after they save the victim of accident. In my opinion, national principles have its importance and it have affect the Malaysian society to get united even better compared with time at post- independent. In today, we can see everyone can have different races of friend in their life. The freedom of Malaysian citizen to practice their cultural and rituals without anyone restrictions are amazing, it has attracted the different country tourists just to come and visit the Malaysia for experiencing this multiracial cultural in Malaysia. In today, we able to see even we from different races but they really help each other when we have difficulty in some situations. My personal experience, when there are a accidents occurs, i can see the Malays and Indians come and help out each other. But, we still can see some group of people which have power in political and position which seen Rukun Negara as nothing. Here, i not wish to refer anyone in Malaysia, but we commonly know what is actually happened in our country. Death of Teoh Beng Hock was still became mystery until today, although court had given final judgment as he commit suicide. We still can see many corruptions happened around the country, which the Malaysia Anti-Corruption Commission cannot do anything on it because the excessive power involve which can overwrite everything and manage run away from judgments including legislative. In conclusion, Rukun Negara are play very important roles in Malaysia. It gave peace among our country. It also born good personality of the citizens, which love their everything in their home country. Unity among the races are become the specialty of Malaysia toward other countries in all around the world. Others discussion questions Examine Malaysian crime rate and analysis the statistics based on Roberts Merton s Typology of Deviance. File:Mertons social strain theory.svg In Robert Merton theory of Deviance typology, there are consist of five elements in basically. There are conformity, innovation, ritualism, retreatism and rebellion. Basically, he explain about deviants behavior becomes crime when the crime too disruptive and uncontrollable thru informal sanctions. All forms of deviance are related with crime. (Tepperman, L., Curtis, J.(2006). Principles of Sociology: Canadian Perspectives, p. 117. Oxford University Press, Canada. ISBN 0-19-542348-8. ) Conformity are refer to achieved of societal goals by social s means which both of them are accepted by society. Innovation is the attaining goals by using unacceptable way by the society. Innovators always think and take of creative ways to achieve their goals, which the creative ways are not accept by society at most of the times. Meanwhile, Ritualism is the means accepted by society but the loss of the goals. Although they has rejected the goals, but they still continue the means. Retreatism is the rejection of both the goals and means. They often find a way to escape from goals and means. Rebellion are same meaning with retreatism but they are with new goals and new means. Merton defined innovation and ritualism are the pure cases, it is because both cases there is a discontinue to implied and pursue between goals and means. Based on Malaysia statistics related with crime and law, there are fourteen type of crimes. In concern of increase number of crimes are violent crimes, property crimes, commercial and serial commercial code crimes. Violent crimes are included case of murder, rape, fire armed gang robbery, gang robbery without firearms. Property crimes covered stealing of truck/van, car, snatch thefts and burglary. Commercial crimes covered those trick in business deal, criminal breach of trust, the fraudulent misuse of property and others related. Relation between Malaysia crime rate and Robert Merton theory, He try to stated that deviances. There is an adaptation by the people to dominant the culture in the society. As the grows between the means and goals, the people will experienced the most internal conflict. Good example, a poor people desired middle class people goal, such as a new LCD television in the home. They find difficulty of means to achieve their goals, in result they felt stress. He argued that they use illegitimate way to accomplish a legitimate goal. Very good example, stealing are one of related element of crimes rate and Robert theory. Thief choose to use stealing ways to achieve their goal of acquire money to survive in this society. This term called as innovations, and the thief called as innovators. Ritualism has some similarity problems with innovators experience. But, they choose to refuse for attaining the goal, and continue with their means (ways to achieve the goal). Example, some people know the way of their achieve the goal are not going to work, but they still practice the ways. Best way to describe retreatism are referring to drug addicts. They did not choose the way to achieve the goal, they also refuse to achieve to goal. They choose to escape from everything. Rebellion are referring group of people or individual who reject the norms, goals, and values of society, which they choose go for another new norms, goals, and values which do not exist in that particular society. Sometime, it is a society itself led the crime happened. Examples, everyone was addicted with the New IPhone which cost very expensive in price. But, because of the societys demand pressure, everyone essential has one by themselves. Some of them might be not afford, they choose perform deviance ways to achieve the cost which enables they to buy the phone, including steal, rob and involved in prostitutions. Father and mother should play a very important role in teaching their children which are ethical ways to perform a decision. It same go with teachers and lecturers in study institutions. Morality values should focus by the teachers in school for their student. Father and mother should become of role to be teach their children should not fall into the trick of deviance typology. In conclusion, everyone has the responsibility for judge whether the ethical decision has been made for majority benefit and agreement in the society. Evaluate the status of women in terms of career and education in Malaysia compare with United States, Kuwait and Nigeria.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Raymond Carvers A Small Good Thing Essay -- Comparative Literature Ca

Raymond Carver's A Small Good Thing Raymond Carver's "A Small Good Thing," a short story that has to do with the lack of interaction and empathy between the baker, Ann and Howard, the finale where the baker is startled to find out about the child's death, asks for mercy and presents them warm cinnamon rolls telling them that "Eating is a small, good thing in a time like this" and they are comforted, reveals particular significance of the title in terms of the story's theme. Also, Raymond Carver's "Cathedral," a story that starts with an ignorant and rude narrator whose wife has called a blind friend to spend the night at their home and according to Carver, "A blind man in my house was not something I looked forward to,"(38) has some parallels in thematic content that is revealed in both stories. In "A Small Good Thing," after Howard returns home, the baker keeps on calling him and telling him about the cake, but Howard tells him "I don't know anything about a cake, Jesus what are you talking about?" The theme here is the lack of communication between Howard and Ann. Ann never tells Howard about the cake she ordered before Scott's accident. After the call Howard pours some whiskey for himself, but before returning to the hospital he does not eat anything. The same situation happens after Ann and Howard return home from the hospital after Scott's death. This is where the title has significance in terms of the story's theme. If Ann and Howard had eaten something before they left to see Scott and be with him, their infuriation would not have aggravated till the point where they let out all their rage at the baker. This infuriation is caused by the doctors for not being able to answer their questions about why Scotty is ... ...nything. It's really something."(48-49) From this, one can tell that the narrator is studying more about human interaction and himself than what the blind man is studying about cathedrals. In "A Small Good Thing," the empathy lies around Ann and Howard's rage at the baker. In reality, the main culprits of their rage are the doctors that kept on providing them hope that their son will wake up. Their lack of communication here led them to this lack of empathy with the baker. Carver's similar use of the thematic content revealed in both stories not only tells the reader what these themes have in common in totally different situations, but exhibits the style of writing and way that this author shows the orthodox pictures concerning particular individuals with strange personalities. Works Cited: Carver, Raymond. "A Small, Good Thing." Donald Hall 262-278

Friday, October 11, 2019

The Anglo-saxon Literature Essay -- essays research papers

In the Anglo-Saxon literature, the scop has a privilege of retaining history, culture and social values of that society. In many cases the scop exercises the power to create stories which reflect the values of that society. The Rood in the  ¡Ã‚ °The Dream of the Rood ¡Ã‚ ± also tells a story of which affects its society and people. The existence of this witness that reports the suffering and the glorification of Christ proves necessary for the people to believe. The Rood becomes a hero that preserves an event that proves crucial to the society. As the Rood observes the suffering of Christ, it also shares with him the pains of crucifixion. In other words, the Rood takes part in Christ ¡Ã‚ ¯s crucifixion which pertains to the salvation of the souls. Although the Rood declares its god-like qualities along with Christ, there ¡Ã‚ ¯s a distinction between Christ and the Rood. Therefore, the Rood appears as a metonymic figure which represents the Christ ¡Ã‚ ¯s suffering but it doe s not represent Christ. In fact, the Rood assumes the role of Christ as it demands people to worship it. In this poem, the Rood appears as an Anglo-Saxon hero. However, the Rood fails to share the Christian beliefs when it declares the entity of God along with Christ. Although Christ and the Rood shared the  ¡Ã‚ °innocent ¡Ã‚ ±Ã‚ ¡Ã‚ ¯ suffering together, this does not provide an adequate explanation for the Rood to become a replacement of Christ. Indeed, the Rood appears as a hero in the Anglo-Saxon society for it reflects the values of many figures that suffer with their Lord. The Rood shares the suffering endured by Christ. It does not regret its pains but sympathizes with Christ as it brings unto itself the hostilities directed at Christ. Thus, it states,  ¡Ã‚ °[how] they mocked at us both ¡Ã‚ ±( ¡Ã‚ °The Rood ¡Ã‚ ±, 51). Suffering with the members of the community proves important to a hero in the Anglo-Saxon literature. In  ¡Ã‚ °The Battle of Maldon, ¡Ã‚ ± a band of warriors fight to save their community, more specifically, fight to  ¡Ã‚ °serve the Earl ¡Ã‚ ±(The Battle of Maldon, 11). Bryhtnoth is the Earl of these brave warriors who fight unto death in order to carry out their duty. This duty indicates that one does not desert a battleground and retreat in order to save one ¡Ã‚ ¯s life. Therefore, the heroes share the battlefield alongside their lord and fight until they win or die. Like these heroes of the Maldon, the Rood remains steadfast in sh... did not have in mind for the people to worship a tree.  ¡Ã‚ °The Rood ¡Ã‚ ± states its separate entity from Christ.  ¡Ã‚ °The Tree of Victory ¡Ã‚ ± becomes itself a figure that must be worshipped by its people. In fact, the Anglo-Saxon society views its heroes as gods through the scops of the society. In Anglo-Saxon literature, scops acquire the power to influence and preserve their tradition, history and culture. The scops glorify the heroes of their times according to their deeds which uphold the values of that society. In addition, the scops give the heroes of their society power to be immortal. They honor their heroes as gods and inevitably honor the values that these heroes uphold. The Rood is one of the Anglo-Saxon heroes that represents the importance of sacrifice of enduring crucial suffering in order to benefit its society. Regardless of its former status, the Rood ¡Ã‚ ¯s deeds reinforce the values of the Anglo-Saxon sense of loyalty that makes them fearless in the face of wierd. In the face of the approaching death, these heroes are portrayed as honoring their community more than their lives. Thus, by remembering and worshipping these heroes, the Anglo-Saxons tend to honor their society.

Freedom of Expression in India

Freedom of expression in India Our motherland is everything for us and no matter how far we are from our motherland, we feel connected to our country emotionally as well as spiritually. We enjoy and celebrate the achievements and developments of our country with pride. Whenever we notice any positive development or urbanization, we feel proud to be the part of our country. When we have the right to celebrate the achievements of our country, we also have the right to criticize the negative development and unethical activities.As the citizen of our country we have the right to vote and elect the person who we trust for the welfare of common public and the country. Any country is represented by its people and every citizen is crucial and important as we all unite together and establish a wonderful nation. When we notice that our politicians are doing something really great for our country , we reward them by reelecting them in coming elections , we make them our favorite leader and we o ften spread there songs of victory to our friends and society . The political leaders are answerable to us, there accountability and there behavior depends on there actions.We people are also bound by rules and regulations, law and order should be applicable for everyone. Law and order is impartial and genuine, the culprit gets punishment and the innocent gets rewards. Well things should be under control of law and we all have to work positively for the progress of our nation. But things become artificial when the law and order favors the influential and powerful people, besides committing thousands of mistakes the powerful culprits are not punished and on the other hand the common man is punished every single second for his one mistake.Thousands of cases of powerful businessmen and politicians are pending and files are closed with the token of money but still the common man has no right to raise his voice against corruption. The media groups and big media houses are also powerful a nd influential and they have the power to expose and disclose the corruption and the corrupt people but are they really doing justice to the common people? Well common man can be easily punished for a single remark or comment as the common man is powerless and the right of freedom of speech is snatched from his hands by the corrupt leaders who want to hear what there ears like.On the other hand the media cannot be punished easily as the politicians and the powerful business man are also dependent on media for fame and popularity. Most of the secret affairs and corruption scams are hidden from public, they should be disclosed but again it all depends on media and its working as media is greatly dominated and influenced by the powerful corrupt entities. The common man will remain a common man, he might get thousands of rights in the books but in reality he is born to suffer.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky

The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky is a short story by Stephen Crane which was written in the late 1890s. The plot is simple, the story brief, and the characters complex. Crane articulately explores the slow disappearance of the American Frontier. The American West, in legend and in truth, played an essential role in chiseling the character of the American spirit and nationalism.The American West created the first truly free man. The European Frontier was nothing more than people recreating â€Å"Old World values and deferring to authority†. (Burns 37) The frontier in America had no law, no authority, and men lived by their wits.America thinks of it’s frontier as being within the country not at the edge. There is no line which separates the frontier from settled land. America’s frontier was transient and terrestrial. As Crane explores in â€Å"The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky†, the American West could not stay â€Å"wild† forever. As the West became a place where adventurous individuals wanted to be, it became a place of less adventure – modernized by the East. While the short story can have many of the major characteristics of a traditional western, the plot, environment, and the narration are strikingly different.Crane, in â€Å"The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky†employs the setting, character development, names and narration to represent a time of change in the â€Å"West†. The plot events center around the Yellow Sky's The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky† is a short story by Stephen Crane which was written in the late 1890s. The plot is simple, the story brief, and the characters complex. Crane articulately explores the slow disappearance of the American Frontier. The American West, in legend and in truth, played an essential role in chiseling the character of the American spirit and nationalism.The American West created the first truly free man. The European Frontier was nothing more than people recreating â€Å" Old World values and deferring to authority†. (Burns 37) The frontier in America had no law, no authority, and men lived by their wits. America thinks of it’s frontier as being within the country not at the edge. There is no line which separates the frontier from settled land. America’s frontier was transient and terrestrial. As Crane explores in â€Å"The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky†, the American West could not stay â€Å"wild† forever.As the West became a place where adventurous individuals wanted to be, it became a place of less adventure – modernized by the East. While the short story can have many of the major characteristics of a traditional western, the plot, environment, and the narration are strikingly different. Crane, in â€Å"The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky†employs the setting, character development, names and narration to represent a time of change in the â€Å"West†. The plot events center around the Yellow Sky's The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky† is a short story by Stephen Crane which was written in the late 1890s.The plot is simple, the story brief, and the characters complex. Crane articulately explores the slow disappearance of the American Frontier. The American West, in legend and in truth, played an essential role in chiseling the character of the American spirit and nationalism. The American West created the first truly free man. The European Frontier was nothing more than people recreating â€Å"Old World values and deferring to authority†. (Burns 37) The frontier in America had no law, no authority, and men lived by their wits.America thinks of it’s frontier as being within the country not at the edge. There is no line which separates the frontier from settled land. America’s frontier was transient and terrestrial. As Crane explores in â€Å"The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky†, the American West could not stay â€Å"wild† forever. As the West became a p lace where adventurous individuals wanted to be, it became a place of less adventure – modernized by the East. While the short story can have many of the major characteristics of a traditional western, the plot, environment, and the narration are strikingly different.Crane, in â€Å"The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky†employs the setting, character development, names and narration to represent a time of change in the â€Å"West†. The plot events center around the Yellow Sky's became a place of less adventure – modernized by the East. While the short story can have many of the major characteristics of a traditional western, the plot, environment, and the narration are strikingly different. Crane, in â€Å"The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky†employs the setting, character development, names and narration to represent a time of change in the â€Å"West†. The plot events center around the Yellow Sky's town Marshal, Jack Potter.He is a quiet man in his early fifties who has been a lawman for several years. He travels to San Antonio, unbeknown to his fellow citizens to get married to woman his own age. In his absence the town drunk, Scratchy Wilson, show up in town looking for a fight and when the Marshall is no where to be found, he takes his boredom out on the town. The general impression of Wilson is that he is not necessary a threat but more of a pest, who is usually handled by Marshall Potter (Burns 36). The Marshall and his new wife travel home, by train, and when they arrive in Yellow Sky they are unexpectedly met by Wilson.Wilson immediately demands a duel and waits for Marshall Potter to draw his weapon. To Wilson's surprise, Potter has no weapon and insists that his â€Å"games† must cease. An often overlooked aspect of Crane's writing his unique uses of names and labels as applied in his stories. â€Å"The Brides Comes to Yellow Sky† is no home, by train, and when they arrive in Yellow Sky they are unexpectedly met by Wilson. Wilson immediately demands a duel and waits for Marshall Potter to draw his weapon. To Wilson's surprise, Potter has no weapon and insists that his â€Å"games† must cease.An often overlooked aspect of Crane's writing his unique uses of names and labels as applied in his stories. â€Å"The Brides Comes to Yellow Sky† is no exception. A close examination of the names in this short story reveal humor, symbolism, and commentary on the destruction of the American Frontier. While Crane utilizes characters names to perpetuate his representation of the easternization of the West, it is also typical of Crane's parody on the â€Å"western†. The Marshall is given the name of Jack Potter which comparatively different from the real life legendary Marshals of the West – Wyatt Earp and Wild Bill (Tietz 94).Crane's choses this name to make a statement about the kind of man Jack Potter is. He is not unique or charismatic as the Marshals of years past, whos e personality was just as wild and unforgiving as the Frontier once was. Jack Potter is a generic name, like his new bride who was never given a name. The name Potter evokes the idea of a Potter's Field, where the nameless and poor are buried. Yet, Crane, in writing this parody, describes Potter as â€Å"a man known, liked, and feared in his corner, a prominent person† (92).Marshal Jack Potter's foil, Scratchy Wilson, is also equipped with a name which parody's the western as well as comments on the migration of the eastern culture into the west. Scratchy is seen wearing red, with boots, red face â€Å"flamed in a rage begot of whisky† (94). Crane has designed the Scratchy character to appear as the devil. Satan, in old texts, are often referred to as Scratch (Tietz 90). However, Crane chooses not to call him Scratch but Scratchy. This simple name change shifts the evil outlaw to a kid-like character.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Challenge of Groups and Teams Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Challenge of Groups and Teams Paper - Essay Example They will be able to recognize the meaning of persistent communication building within the team. This training programme will include the sessions where the team mates will be informed of the techniques on how they can handle the diversity element within their team mate circles.This is the most significant, because of the fact that conflict tends to develop where the team mates are from varying backgrounds and culture. Because they are unable to understand each other's difference of speech, likes and dislikes, manners and rituals. The participants will be taught how to relate to their past workplace experiences with their current performances, in addition to how they can actually avoid any bad outcomes later. The team will be taught hot to function efficiently across operations, characteristics. How they can easily break the numerous communication barricades (Mackin, 2007, pg 109). The team mates should be imaginative enough to resolve compound problems. They should have the ability to assess the suppositions in relation to how individuals/teammates can function effectively as one. Developing the individuals self responsiveness in addition to substantiating their facets of self discernment.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Segregation and the Racial Wage Gap Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Segregation and the Racial Wage Gap - Term Paper Example The image of the black man, being relegated to lower rung jobs, being inadequately compensated and constantly striving to prove himself has gone through a drastic change, report Mary Daly, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco and Kenneth A. Couch, University of Connecticut. Their study has pointed out that an increase in the weekly pay of black male workers rose substantially so as to narrow the gap between black and white earnings to its lowest historically recorded levels. (Gene Koretz) This Discrimination in wage earnings begins at an early stage in the careers of black men and these have a direct impact on the â€Å"future labor earnings.† This wage inequality starts with the first job and continues to grow during the first five years of â€Å"post-school labor market activity† (Renna, King, 2007) This gap in earnings is considerable, growing from 12.46% during the first post school job to 25.86% even five years later. The statistics concerning racial wage gap may reveal the narrowing of the phenomena, but in all economic matters, racial inequality is an undeniable fact. African Americans face unemployment two times more than their white counterparts and even when employed they may earn only 75 per cent of what their white colleagues receive as wages. (Council of Economic Advisers, 1998) In the first few years in the job market, the incumbent is at a lower rung due to educational qualifications, but over the years this factor ceases to have an impact on the wage potential, because the employer is aware of the productivity levels of the employee. Thus, while the wage gap narrows over the years, it shows a direct proportional decrease with the increase in the number of years spent in the wage market. The lower wage workers have seen an increase in their pay structure, and more importantly, the reduction in wage gap

Monday, October 7, 2019

A Case Study of Green Computing and Environmental Impact in A Kurdish Essay

A Case Study of Green Computing and Environmental Impact in A Kurdish University (Salahaddin University Erbil) - Essay Example The use of green computing in the Salahaddin University Erbil entails embarking on various computer practices that encourage reduced consumption of electricity. According to Hu and Kaabouch (2012, p. 78), green computing brings about significant savings on the environmental wastes from technological machines and equipment, as well as contribute greatly to the conservation of the environment. This is a critical mechanism that is useful in this research as reduced consumption of electricity at the institution directly lessens the burden on the environmental resources that are used to generate the amount of power used at Salahaddin University Erbil. According to Gangadharan and Murugwsan (2012, p. 34), the use of green computing has a close relationship with the university’s environment, which should dictate the practices of green computing at the institution. Initiatives that encourage green computing at this university are important to the institution in the aspect that there w ill be reduced charges of electricity consumed. This is also essential to the research community in understanding reliable ways that could be used to cut down the cost of electricity consumed at Salahaddin University Erbil. This is also crucial in understanding the specific impacts that the use of green computing at the institution will have on its immediate and distant environments. Practices of green computing at Salahaddin University Erbil benefit this research in determining how the reduced use of electricity will affect the overall environment at the institution. It is significant in understanding the various attributes and effectiveness of green computing as an ideal practice that conserves the environment. Green computing is, therefore, the study and practice of using computing resources efficiently. As such, technologies already making

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Management E-Commerce Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Management E-Commerce - Research Paper Example Companies appoint managers to make sure that the company is effective, meaning the degree to which the company is able to reach its defined goals. Efficiency on the other hand means amount of resources used to achieve an organizational goal. Management must ensure that they operate in an effective and efficient manner in order to compete in today’s competitive market. Management need to plan, or in other words defining goals for the future of the organization and deciding the tasks and resources that would be required in order to achieve those goals. Organizing means to allocate tasks and jobs and allocating resources amongst departments. Leading refers to the fact that they are able to motivate the employees to extract higher productivity. Lastly, controlling; it is the monitoring of employees ensuring that the organization is on track to attain the specified goals and making corrections if ever required. (Daft) There are a number of organizations in the world who succeed bas ed on their procedural management, which could be called the old school way, where boundaries are defined and the employ has to act according to the dogma of the task at hand. However, recently we have seen that various companies like Google have reached high level of success by using rather unorthodox, yet productive methods of management to avoid alienation of employees and to make the a part of the company rather than just a small cog in a big machine. Google has burst into the international market with its varied range of products and services ranging from the biggest search engine available to Google news, Google earth, maps, cellular phones and many, many more various products. Google uses an unorthodox and unconventional mode of management that is rather new to other organizations; some may call it bizarre, but at the end of the day one has to respect the fact that it earns more than $2billion cash per quarter and it is said that Google alone can finance the whole economy of America for 2 two whole days. Google has an informal slogan, â€Å"don’t be evil.† This basically expresses that at Google you are always welcomed to share ideas and their ways of doing business is open to all and there are no strings attached. They believe that these are the ways through which they can make sure that the employees are more comfortable and are able to perform to their potential in the field. As a matter of fact, Google employees are allowed to wear whatever clothes that pleases them. They have an all you can eat food counter that serves exquisite gourmet to motivate workers further. Google management believes that in order to avoid alienation, they must maintain good, informal relations with employees and also encourages employees to put forward their view and get involved in the decision making procedure since they believe that employees perform better when given importance and getting them involved in ideas enables innovation from various intellectua l minds, which at the end of the day is something Google always places very high importance to. Google management also has their very famous 20 percent rule. They say that for one whole working day an employee can work on whatever project that pleases them and as Google has ample amounts of finances, they are able to carry out their operation which thus leads to innovation. Rest of the days, they work on the project they have been assigned. This ensures effective, if